Daily Prompt: The Power of Steam


” Efficiency is the ratio of useful work to resources  expended. In other words, the ratio of the output to the input of a given system.”


They say  steam engines were

Really  inefficient.

Yet they worked and so

Were icons of their time.


Their powerful engines hissed

As their gliding pistons swished

And the big wheels steadily turned

Upon the line.


Journeying far ‘cross country

Along parallel lines of  track

Their smokestacks burning brightly

There and back.


Generations mourn their passing

And old engines they have rescued

Recombining, reassembling

All from the scrap.


They hammer and they chisel

Blacksmithing with a sizzle

Engineering perfect pieces

Of great size.


And when the engine’s  finished

They admire her in her glory

Resurrected into power

To run once more.


Then the new steam comes a-fizzing,

From the smoke-stack wildly hissing

And along the lines it’s whizzing

Inefficient maybe yes.


But do we care?


For that  old engine it is running

And faithfully it is pulling

Is it not a most amazing sight to see?


And to smell the soot and grime

Feel the rhythm of the line

Is a special thing for all,


Especially me.


Poem and photo copyright to Englepip©






via Daily Prompt: Inefficient